12 features that make HPL schools different

  1. HPL schools assume that everyone can become a high attainer and act accordingly.
  2. HPL schools do not talk about the ability they focus on current performance and future performance.
  3. HPL schools define high performance as a mix of academic confidence and attainment, personal values, attitudes and attributes, and an enterprising, problem-solving mindset.
  4. HPL schools use the cognitive language of the ACPs and VAAs to provide a cross-school language for teaching and learning.
  5. HPL schools plan the curriculum to deliver high levels of subject knowledge and subject skills for all students.
  6. HPL schools pitch their lessons at a high level and help everyone master the content by making use of the ACPs and VAAs. They use minimal differentiation.
  7. HPL schools use intelligent student grouping (ISG). They set by performance only where they deem it necessary and scaffold learning so lower-performing groups are still aiming for the same high-level outcomes. They do not lower the bar for some.
  8. HPL schools use assessment to measure current performance and the current gap between it and high performance. They then use it to plan the next steps. They do not see assessment as a predictor of long-term outcomes.
  9. HPL schools expect exam results to reflect high performance for all rather than the traditional bell curve.
  10. HPL schools actively involve parents and help them to help their children to develop the ACPs and VAAs.
  11. HPL schools see extra-curricular enrichment as important and a great place to practice ACPs and VAAs.
  12. HPL schools have students who are optimistic about what they can achieve, engage in their own learning and are positive about the opportunities they can create for themselves.


If you would like to explore High Performance Learning for your school, Contact us to discuss how we can help you.

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